Sunday, April 10, 2011

Entering the blogging world...

After MUCH deliberation I've finally decided to start a blog. While this is "curtisandheidi" I'm sure I'll be doing 99-100% of the postings and thus Curtis is in no way responsible for the information seen here. I've deliberated because I don't want my blog to become super cliche or something I post on once and then completely abandon (can we say commitment issues?) However, after a request yesterday I've decided it's finally time (this is for you Ali Snarr-Wright).

So, I'll start with an update on us. Curtis and I were married nearly 8 months ago. Ten days after the wedding we flew to China and spent 4 months teaching there. We had an amazing experience and continue to cherish the time we had there. Even though we recently returned we love reminiscing about China and what it did for us as a couple. I hope to use this blog as I remember funny things about China and what my experience there has taught me/us.

We are currently living in Provo, Utah. Curt is studying advertising at BYU and just got a job with the FHSS (Family, Home and Social Sciences) Advisement Center as their Media Assistant. Upon returning from China, I was blessed with a great job that treated me well, but unfortunately was shut down by the FTC after 1 1/2 months of working there. After what seemed like an eternity  of a job search (really only a month... but a long time when you don't have an income), I've fortunately been hired by a company called REIC (Real Estate Investor's Club). It's an awesome company that helps people rollover monies from their IRAs and 401Ks into self-directed IRA accounts and then use that money to invest in real estate (usually through an IRA LLC). They refer to me as the "IRA expert"... which is hilarious seeing as I only vaguely remember what I learned about IRAs and 401Ks in my business classes at BYU. However, being immersed in something you "should" be an expert on definitely challenges for a quick learning curve! I'm loving it so far and enthusiastic to keep learning.

I'll try to post pictures often and refrain from making this my "personal" journal :) and just stick to updates and the musings of life. However, I'm not familiar with blog etiquette so feel free to keep me in check if you feel like I'm getting out of hand ;) haha.


  1. oh hey....
    1. i loved the shout out
    2. um you are a natural blogger {pictures, music, all the tabs...} it's better than mine! ha
    3. thank you again for coming to the shower!!!
    it was so good to see you!

  2. How come you only have one follower? Well, at least you know who loves you most.

  3. hahaha I love you Heidi! Thanks Ali for having her do this!
