Saturday, February 9, 2013


PSA: This blog will be out of sorts for a bit as I play catch up from last year. I'll be doing pregnancy posts and picture overloads. My apologies (but kinda not really because I'm proud of myself for finally documenting some of this :)).

I've decided we should shoot for at least one family picture a month. When Curtis and I started dating I had recently returned from a semester abroad in Jerusalem. Needless to say I was completely "pictured out" and thus took like 15 pictures in the 9 months we dated and maybe another 4 pictures during the 2.5 months we were engaged (not including engagements... obviously). Those facts are pretty sorry. So, in an effort to do better and document this little family of ours, we shall take family pictures at some point during each month. This is a bit of a lofty goal for me. I'll need support. Without further adieu... January:
"Mom, I don't know about this..."

"It's cold! Can we please go in?"

"Finally. I might look cute... but I'm still not happy."


  1. Love these pics. so cute!

  2. Replies
    1. Ashley! You are too sweet :) I just discovered your blog, I'll have to start following :)
